Work Visas
There are three main types of Employer Sponsored visas that are for prospective overseas workers who have a company prepared to sponsor them for a visa, the subclass 457, the subclass 186 and the subclass 187. There are also other types of shorter time framed employer-sponsored visas, however, given the nature of the these visa’s we recommend you contact us on 08 6364 3782
Eligibility for the subclass 457 is based on the applicant’s occupation being on the Consolidated Skilled Occupation list. Also, the applicant’s salary must also exceed the published minimum as classified by the Temporary Skilled Migration Income
A company which has been operating for greater than 12 months is required to show that they can meet a training benchmark to be approved as a business sponsor. Startup companies which have been operating for less than 12 months must demonstrate that they have an audit able plan to meet the benchmarks.
In meeting the training benchmark, an Employer must either:
Payment to an industry training fund of at least 2% of payroll; or
Expenditure of at least 1% of payroll on the training of employees.
It is also possible for the holder of a 457 to change companies, as long as the new employer is also an existing eligible sponsor or prepared to become an eligible sponsor. The major benefit of a 457 visa is that the applicant does not usually need to obtain a formal migration skills assessment. This reduces the cost and time for approval of the visa. After two years with an employer, the applicant of a 457 can apply for permanent residency through the temporary residence transition stream. The primary advantage of this approach is that a skills assessment is not required.
For more information we recommend you contact us for an appointment or click here to complete the free visa eligibility assessment.
Looking for more information? Please call us on 08 6364 3782.
Similar to the Subclass 457 visa, an applicant’s occupation must be listed on the Consolidated Skilled Occupation list to be eligible for the ENS subclass 186 visa. Unlike the 457 however, the subclass 186 will result in permanent residency for the applicant and secondary applicants. The Employer Nominated Scheme 186 visa requires a significantly higher level of documentation than a 457 visa, and as such difficulties can be encountered.
There are two steps in applying for the subclass 186 ENS visa:
Nomination: involves review of the business’ operations as well as the position offered to the employee
Visa Application: There are three streams to apply for an ENS visa. Each stream has its own respective requirements which vary extensively and are mutual exclusive.
Three Visa Application Pathways
There are three possible application pathways for an ENS visa:
Temporary Residence Transition Stream: where applicants have been employed by their company on their subclass 457 visa for the last 2 years. Generally, no skills assessment is required and an English level equivalent to International English Language Test System (IELTS) score 5 is required.
Direct Entry Stream: the applicant will need to provide a skills assessment conducted by the relevant skills assessment body for their profession, and show that they have worked in their occupation for three years. An IELTS score of 6 or equivalent is required.
Labour Agreement Stream: This stream is only applicable large companies who hold a Labour Agreement
The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) is a permanent visa which is available to those living in “Regional” Australia and can be obtained by those who do not have an occupation on the applicable list of occupations published by the Department of Immigration. The occupation nominated, however, must meet skill level of 1, 2 or 3. Skill levels 1-3 covers occupations requiring a degree, diploma, trade certificate or certificate IV.
The following is a list of eligible RSMS Occupations Where an employer decides to nominate a skilled overseas worker for an RSMS visa under the Direct Entry stream; the nomination must be accompanied by an assessment completed by a Regional Certifying Body (RCB). Unlike the subclass 457 or subclass 186 visa, prospective businesses will not have to satisfy any training requirements or minimum wage restrictions. As mentioned below, they will, however, have to provide evidence of attempts to advertise and hire Australian citizens or permanent residents.
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Three Visa Application Pathways
Similar to the ENS 186, there are three possible application pathways for an RSMS subclass 187 visa:
Temporary Residence Transition Stream: where applicants have been employed by their company on their subclass 457 visa for the last two years. There usually is no requirement for a skills assessment.
Direct Entry Stream: Only applicants who apply for trade occupations may need to provide a formal skills assessment conducted by the relevant skills assessment body from their profession. An IELTS score of 6 or equivalent is required. Regional Certifying Body Certification is also a requirement
Labour Agreement Stream
RSMS Application Stages
RSMS application have three application stages:
Regional Certifying Body Certification: the RCB will confirm that the position is genuine. In most cases, The RCB requires the employer to advertise the position as evidence that the occupation cannot be filled by an Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident
Nomination: involves review of the business’ operations as well as the position offered to the employee
Visa application: there are three pathways, and generally the skill level is lower than for the ENS program. If you are older than 50, it is possible to apply for an age exemption; however, criteria must be met.